2023 Corp Challenge Walk Race


Overall Bracket First Name Last Name Team Name Division Bib Time Points
1 M25-29 Colin Basler Spring Valley Hsopital CORPA 467 00:21:43.38 10
2 M30-34 Benjamin Schultz City of Henderson CORPA 979 00:21:51.80 10
3 F45-49 Erica Schramm United Healthcare CORPA 464 00:23:04.57 10
4 M60-64 Troy Campa Clark County CORPA 336 00:23:30.22 10
5 F45-49 Hillery Francis Las Vegas Valley Water District CORPA 775 00:23:31.52 8
6 M55-59 Scott Jarvis City of Henderson CORPA 706 00:23:44.01 10
7 M45-49 Bonavena Pino Zappos WalkRace CORPA 761 00:23:53.81 10
8 M40-44 Johann Feller Las Vegas Valley Water District CORPA 745 00:24:25.78 10
9 F45-49 Michelle Raman Aristocrat CORPA 717 00:24:32.17 6
10 M55-59 Tom Maher Las Vegas Valley Water District CORPA 350 00:24:45.32 8
11 M50-54 Adam Pion Team Cox CORPA 800 00:25:04.52 10
12 F40-44 Christine Wittwer City of Las Vegas CORPA 331 00:25:31.34 10
13 M40-44 Luke Yardley Team NNSS CORPA 347 00:25:52.84 8
14 M30-34 Jurel-ian Manio United Healthcare CORPA 487 00:25:56.73 8
15 F25-29 Alexandra Tura United Healthcare CORPA 989 00:25:59.50 10
16 M50-54 Tedd Girouard UNLV CORPA 871 00:26:04.04 8
17 M50-54 Ayoub Ayoub Las Vegas Valley Water District CORPA 860 00:26:08.70 6
18 F40-44 Erica Marti UNLV CORPA 780 00:26:14.25 8
19 F25-29 Nina Neiderman City of Las Vegas CORPA 330 00:26:18.94 8
20 M30-34 Asriel Olivares Aristocrat CORPA 325 00:26:25.60 6
21 M55-59 Courtney Brown Team NNSS CORPA 737 00:26:25.84 6
22 M40-44 Dinesh Tiwari Aristocrat CORPA 980 00:26:28.86 6
23 F35-39 Jennifer Jackson United Healthcare CORPA 766 00:26:33.66 10
24 F50-54 Jo Ann Simmons City of Las Vegas CORPA 712 00:26:34.53 10
25 M40-44 Armando Barreto Las Vegas Valley Water District CORPA 848 00:26:34.68 4
26 M25-29 Alex Strawser City of Las Vegas CORPA 767 00:26:46.34 8
27 F60-64 Karen Basilotta Las Vegas Valley Water District CORPA 751 00:27:03.73 10
28 F40-44 Michelle Hawkins Team NNSS CORPA 798 00:27:05.65 6
29 F50-54 Jennifer Schmidt United Healthcare CORPA 999 00:27:11.83 8
30 M35-39 Chris Lee Zappos WalkRace CORPA 987 00:27:18.01 10
31 F40-44 Jasmine Freeman City of Las Vegas CORPA 349 00:27:18.16 4
32 M30-34 Ashish Nautiyal Zappos WalkRace CORPA 977 00:27:19.40 4
33 F45-49 Nicole Aversa City of Las Vegas CORPA 722 00:27:19.62 4
34 M35-39 Steve Wong Aristocrat CORPA 708 00:27:19.85 8
35 F55-59 Tammy Mccullum City of Las Vegas CORPA 970 00:27:21.37 10
36 M40-44 Dan Champion Team NNSS CORPA 465 00:27:23.15 3
37 F55-59 Melodie Garfield Clark County CORPA 721 00:27:23.96 8
38 F35-39 Elizabeth Craft Team NNSS CORPA 709 00:27:25.15 8
39 F55-59 Annette Halstead Las Vegas Valley Water District CORPA 773 00:27:26.70 6
40 M30-34 Bradley Kryst Clark County CORPA 749 00:27:27.21 3
41 M50-54 Robert Lera Aristocrat CORPA 728 00:27:33.54 4
42 M50-54 Bob O'donnell Aristocrat CORPA 730 00:27:34.78 3
43 M60-64 David Gong Aristocrat CORPA 486 00:27:35.18 8
44 M35-39 Aaron Spendlove JT4 CORPA 927 00:27:39.41 6
45 F55-59 Sue Hanes United Healthcare CORPA 753 00:27:47.04 4
46 M40-44 James Garcia United Healthcare CORPA 993 00:28:04.29 1
47 M35-39 Lee Senter Team NNSS CORPA 328 00:28:11.41 4
48 F60-64 Robin Anawalt UNLV CORPA 948 00:28:16.34 8
49 F30-34 Amy Huntsman Spring Valley Hsopital CORPA 497 00:28:16.94 10
50 M50-54 Quyen Tong Team NNSS CORPA 715 00:28:23.62 1
51 F50-54 Angie Bisacky City of Las Vegas CORPA 755 00:28:23.93 6
52 M25-29 Christopher Easterling Allegiant Air CORPA 488 00:28:27.73 6
53 M18-24 Justin Klouw Zappos WalkRace CORPA 455 00:28:39.70 10
54 M30-34 Srinivasa Pasupuleti United Healthcare CORPA 816 00:28:46.05 1
55 F18-24 Alexis Hall Aristocrat CORPA 354 00:28:46.15 10
56 F25-29 Tracy Shearer Las Vegas Valley Water District CORPA 855 00:28:49.39 6
57 M30-34 Daniel Oakley Zappos WalkRace CORPA 843 00:28:52.30
58 M60-64 Greg Beroldi JT4 CORPA 947 00:28:52.87 6
59 M65-99 Art Grahl Las Vegas Valley Water District CORPA 946 00:28:53.95 10
60 M40-44 Ben Houston JT4 CORPA 942 00:29:01.33
61 F30-34 Andrea Blanco City of Las Vegas CORPA 850 00:29:03.71 8
62 M40-44 Anthony Scarpelli City of Las Vegas CORPA 857 00:29:05.45
63 F18-24 Danielle Basler Spring Valley Hsopital CORPA 849 00:29:06.35 8
64 M30-34 Zackary Ames Allegiant Air CORPA 496 00:29:17.99
65 M30-34 Matthew Archer Team NNSS CORPA 763 00:29:22.07
66 M35-39 Vincent Nguyen Spring Valley Hsopital CORPA 474 00:29:22.66 3
67 F35-39 Devan Seawright United Healthcare CORPA 339 00:29:25.05 6
68 F25-29 Vivian Ho United Healthcare CORPA 971 00:29:29.38 4
69 F35-39 Marissa Alexander Team NNSS CORPA 719 00:29:36.64 4
70 F40-44 Alexa Gutierrez Zappos WalkRace CORPA 831 00:29:38.33 3
71 F18-24 Summer Jose Aristocrat CORPA 746 00:29:39.24 6
72 M40-44 Mark Sundita Allegiant Air CORPA 353 00:29:43.63
73 F30-34 Alyssia Salerno Team NNSS CORPA 340 00:29:44.39 6
74 F30-34 Cindy Ruiz Sanchez United Healthcare CORPA 845 00:29:56.00 4
75 F18-24 Margaret Pisacano JT4 CORPA 493 00:29:57.52 4
76 F35-39 Vanessa Mayans Team Cox CORPA 880 00:30:01.89 3
77 M40-44 Ryan Jones United Healthcare CORPA 481 00:30:03.19
78 M45-49 Dusitn Layne Team Cox CORPA 801 00:30:05.42 8
79 F65-99 Joann Jackson-bass Team NNSS CORPA 332 00:30:07.26 10
80 M25-29 Justin Suder Team NNSS CORPA 938 00:30:09.04 4
81 M55-59 Peter Vaughan City of Henderson CORPA 995 00:30:09.35 4
82 F35-39 Nadine Tumaneng Spring Valley Hsopital CORPA 776 00:30:14.06 1
83 M35-39 Chungming (danny) Lee Team Cox CORPA 885 00:30:18.22 1
84 M45-49 Felipe Munoz Team Cox CORPA 959 00:30:19.39 6
85 F25-29 Quin Cobb Allegiant Air CORPA 876 00:30:19.95 3
86 F40-44 Renata Haley Clark County CORPA 747 00:30:22.61 1
87 F65-99 Jeryl Hauptman UNLV CORPA 951 00:30:28.00 8
88 M35-39 Iosia Sakaria City of Las Vegas CORPA 774 00:30:28.01
89 M25-29 Edwin Miranda Jimenez Las Vegas Valley Water District CORPA 956 00:30:33.58 3
90 F45-49 Lena Barbose Spring Valley Hsopital CORPA 777 00:30:43.08 3
91 F30-34 Crystal Preciado Zappos WalkRace CORPA 991 00:30:46.84 3
92 M65-99 Mike Hazard City of Las Vegas CORPA 769 00:30:50.29 8
93 F55-59 Michelle Kampshoff Team Cox CORPA 333 00:30:53.10 3
94 F30-34 Nelly Arias Quito Zappos WalkRace CORPA 933 00:30:54.92 1
95 F35-39 Maira Corral City of Las Vegas CORPA 803 00:30:56.11
96 F30-34 Antoinette Mastre Las Vegas Valley Water District CORPA 718 00:31:03.05
97 M40-44 Monte Pladevega Allegiant Air CORPA 985 00:31:03.51
98 F50-54 Karen Ortlipp Spring Valley Hsopital CORPA 461 00:31:07.93 4
99 F60-64 Mary Swoboda Spring Valley Hsopital CORPA 458 00:31:10.68 6
100 F25-29 Lizzie Earl Aristocrat CORPA 926 00:31:11.12 1
101 F60-64 Michele Smith Team Cox CORPA 941 00:31:12.27 4
102 F45-49 Grace Versola Allegiant Air CORPA 471 00:31:17.15 1
103 M30-34 Jean Delemos City of Las Vegas CORPA 457 00:31:26.20
104 M55-59 Stephen Paez Clark County CORPA 351 00:31:26.23 3
105 F30-34 Sandy Solares Clark County CORPA 961 00:31:27.41
106 M50-54 Steve Miller Las Vegas Valley Water District CORPA 770 00:31:30.84
107 M40-44 Seten Thompson Wells Fargo CORPA 872 00:31:37.71
108 F45-49 Michelle Saberton Team Cox CORPA 886 00:31:40.17
109 M60-64 Jerry Bogert Team NNSS CORPA 326 00:31:42.24 4
110 M55-59 Brian Sanders Team NNSS CORPA 452 00:31:43.84 1
111 F55-59 Tressa Fernandez City of Las Vegas CORPA 823 00:31:44.38 1
112 M30-34 Ethan Mills Aristocrat CORPA 711 00:31:46.69
113 F30-34 Alicia Zhang Allegiant Air CORPA 489 00:31:49.45
114 F30-34 Bereniz Castaneda Aristocrat CORPA 748 00:31:50.46
115 F50-54 Donna Vinocur Zappos WalkRace CORPA 812 00:31:52.45 3
116 F40-44 Megan Petrini Zappos WalkRace CORPA 842 00:31:52.63
117 F60-64 Anita Boggess Zappos WalkRace CORPA 779 00:31:54.64 3
118 M30-34 Phil Ellingford Team NNSS CORPA 789 00:31:55.52
119 F65-99 Eliza Chavez City of Las Vegas CORPA 344 00:31:56.91 6
120 F65-99 Teresa Geary United Healthcare CORPA 491 00:31:57.35 4
121 F40-44 April Randazzo United Healthcare CORPA 739 00:31:57.81
122 F40-44 Jamie Schaper Team Cox CORPA 782 00:32:07.86
123 M65-99 Mark Steele Team NNSS CORPA 329 00:32:08.24 6
124 F55-59 Sharon Wilkinson Allegiant Air CORPA 965 00:32:33.89
125 F25-29 Nicole Castro Team NNSS CORPA 838 00:32:34.27
126 F18-24 Camryn Bishop Team NNSS CORPA 791 00:32:35.24 3
127 F30-34 Valeria Gonzalez City of Las Vegas CORPA 756 00:32:41.87
128 F50-54 Priscilla Ceron Aristocrat CORPA 342 00:32:43.11 1
129 F45-49 Amy Hunt Aristocrat CORPA 727 00:32:46.36
130 F60-64 Reida Wagner United Healthcare CORPA 453 00:33:05.41 1
131 M25-29 Brendan Gonzalez Team Cox CORPA 881 00:33:09.15 1
132 F35-39 Adranna Hernandez Aristocrat CORPA 932 00:33:11.25
133 F25-29 Sharyn Miyaji JT4 CORPA 811 00:33:19.65
134 M55-59 John Lonborg City of Las Vegas CORPA 847 00:33:21.38
135 F55-59 Eileen Koutsulis Zappos WalkRace CORPA 750 00:33:26.45
136 M55-59 Troy Parham City of Las Vegas CORPA 846 00:33:27.24
137 F30-34 Sierra Johnson Spring Valley Hsopital CORPA 735 00:33:28.96
138 F55-59 Allison Ono United Healthcare CORPA 733 00:33:35.38
139 M60-64 William Loos Team Cox CORPA 468 00:33:37.76 3
140 F60-64 Jeanine Glass Aristocrat CORPA 760 00:33:55.70
141 F60-64 Sherry Wimmer JT4 CORPA 817 00:33:57.61
142 F50-54 Jackie Wilson Aristocrat CORPA 784 00:33:57.69
143 F60-64 Elizabeth Mock JT4 CORPA 818 00:33:59.06
144 M60-64 Rick Shroder City of Las Vegas CORPA 3187 00:34:00.36 1
145 F50-54 Jennifer Cure Clark County CORPA 348 00:34:05.19
146 F50-54 Nileen Knoke Team Cox CORPA 976 00:34:10.24
147 F55-59 Nix Tricia JT4 CORPA 878 00:34:19.90
148 F60-64 Trudy Harris Allegiant Air CORPA 844 00:34:22.27
149 F50-54 Julie Chapman Clark County CORPA 725 00:34:23.70
150 M30-34 Alan Carreno JT4 CORPA 966 00:34:38.10
151 F25-29 Carla Sarmiento Zappos WalkRace CORPA 819 00:34:47.55
152 F35-39 Keyshaundra Lighten Clark County CORPA 752 00:35:18.90
153 M35-39 Gabriel Perez Aristocrat CORPA 343 00:35:22.82
154 F40-44 Joanna Alvarez Aristocrat CORPA 840 00:35:23.00
155 F65-99 Libby Garry Aristocrat CORPA 841 00:35:28.97 3
156 F60-64 Angela Colarusso Team NNSS CORPA 716 00:35:29.31
157 F45-49 Christine Ardito Zappos WalkRace CORPA 839 00:35:33.53
158 F35-39 Kunthy Huy Spring Valley Hsopital CORPA 778 00:35:39.46
159 F65-99 Karen Adams City of Las Vegas CORPA 714 00:35:43.62 1
160 F25-29 Odalis Andrade Lopez City of Las Vegas CORPA 334 00:35:46.58
161 F45-49 Jessica Lindelow City of Las Vegas CORPA 707 00:35:46.58
162 F45-49 Kristine Burrell United Healthcare CORPA 358 00:35:49.77
163 F35-39 Samantha Lee City of Las Vegas CORPA 734 00:35:50.69
164 F50-54 Veronica Debesai United Healthcare CORPA 762 00:36:14.07
165 M40-44 Anthony Funtanilla JT4 CORPA 960 00:37:23.80
166 F18-24 Taylor Bishop Team NNSS CORPA 835 00:37:44.56 1
167 F45-49 Charity Grano Team NNSS CORPA 830 00:38:07.82
168 F25-29 Ajanae Williams Team NNSS CORPA 494 00:38:46.87
169 F40-44 Misty Minajres Spring Valley Hsopital CORPA 992 00:39:08.28
170 F18-24 Michell Isais Allegiant Air CORPA 937 00:39:11.90
171 F18-24 Donna Soltis Allegiant Air CORPA 953 00:39:12.07
172 F40-44 Natasha Metteaux Aristocrat CORPA 359 00:39:17.74
173 M50-54 John Newell United Healthcare CORPA 456 00:39:36.34
174 F55-59 Carolyn Lima Team NNSS CORPA 327 00:39:52.02
175 F60-64 Rebecca Lind Team NNSS CORPA 705 00:40:13.93
176 F40-44 Noemi Esparza Clark County CORPA 736 00:40:27.37
177 M50-54 Dan Kulin Clark County CORPA 808 00:40:27.93
178 F45-49 Heather Kellam Clark County CORPA 337 00:40:32.21
179 F55-59 Cynthia Pierce Allegiant Air CORPA 827 00:42:19.70
180 M50-54 Mark Nichols City of Las Vegas CORPA 806 00:42:52.31
181 M45-49 Corey Bishop Team NNSS CORPA 786 00:43:35.04 4
182 M25-29 Nabil Matouk Team NNSS CORPA 472 00:43:47.56
183 F35-39 Charlene Ute Aristocrat CORPA 814 00:48:49.07